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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Oracle Fundamental I - Chapter 2: Started with oracle Server

Database Administration Tools

Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
Used to install, upgrade, or remove software components with GUI interface.

Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
A graphical user interface tool that interacts with the OUI, or can be used independently, to create, delete, or modify a database.
SQL *Plus
A utility to access data in an oracle database. The mostly used tool by DBA to administrating the database/instance.
DB console (Oracle Enterprise Manager in previous version as 9i)
A graphical interface used to administer, monitor, and tune one or more databases.

The Oracld Universal Installer is a Java based engine, which provides the GUI interface to administrates the installation process.

To start OUI in Unix/Linux environment,  the installation program is called runInstaller,
which is located under oracle\oui\install direcotry, you issue the following command:

$ ./runInstaller

To start OUI on NT environment, the installation program is calle Setup,
which is located under Program Files/Oracle/oui/install, you issue the following steps:

Start  >  Programes  >  Oracle Installation Products  >  Universal Installer

Oracle Database Configuration Assitant can be used for the following:
- Create a database
- Configure database options
- Delete a database
- Manage templates

When creating a new database, DBCA will prompt you for setup the administrative level privilege.
To administrates an Oracle database, you need those privilege for appropriate acceses.
  • Users sys and system are created automatically
    • During database creation
    • Granted the DBA role (DBA role is a default bunch of privilege created duing Oracle installation to provide DBA level privilege)
  • User Sys
    • Owner of the database data dictionary
    • Default password: change_on_install
  • User System
    • Owner of additional internal tables and views user by Oracle tools.
    • Default password: manager
If you use DBCA to create a database, you will get the chance to modify the passwords during the creation process.

SQL*Plus is an Oracle tool, which provides:
  • capability to interact with and manipulate the database, which is based on the command prompt interface. SQL and PL/SQL is the languages used by SQL*PLus.
  • Ability to startup and shutdown the database, create and run queries, add/update/delete/query rows, data and write reports, etc.
  • Connecting to SQL*Plus:
    • By default, SQL*Plus is located under $ORACLE_HOME/bin

$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.


Oracle DB console (Oracle Enterprise Manager in 9i or previous) is the Oracle tool based on GUI interface to administrate Oracle instance and database.
  • Serves as centralized systems management tool for DBAs.
  • A tool to administer, diagnose, and tune multiple databases.
  • A tool to administer multiple network nodes and services from many locations.
  • Use to share tasks with other administrators.
  • Provices tools for administering parallel services and replicated databases.

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