KSH - Korn Shell Tutorial
- Matching Patterns
- Conditional Statements
- Test Objects (Files, Directories, etc.)
- Format of flow control functions
- Positional Parameter
- Redirections
- Other functionalities
- Examples
- Regular Expression
- Array
pattern: example: matches: not matched:
* boo* boot,boo,booth
? boo? boot booth
[...] [aeiou]* ark bark
[!...] boo[!st] boor boot
*(cc|cc) boo*(ze|r) boo,boor,booze,boozer boot
+(cc|cc) boo+(ze|r) boor,booze,boozer boo
?(cc|cc) boo?(ze|r) boo,boor,booze boozer
@(cc|cc) boo@(ze|r) booze,booth boo
!(cc|cc) boo!(ze|r) booth,boo,boot booze,boor
{c,c,c} a{b,c,d}e abe,ace,ade axe
format "true" if:
(( _num1_ == _num2_ )) numbers equal
(( _num1_ != _num2_ )) numbers not equal
(( _num1_ < _num2_ )) num1 < num2
(( _num1_ > _num2_ )) num1 > num2
(( _num1_ <= _num2_ )) num1 <= num2
(( _num1_ >= _num2_ )) num1 >= num2
[[ _str1_ == _str2_ ]] strings equal
[[ _str1_ != _str2_ ]] strings not equal
[[ _str1_ < _str2_ ]] str1 precedes str2
[[ _str1_ > _str2_ ]] str1 follow str2
[[ _str1_ = _pattern_ ]] str1 = pattern
[[ _str1_ != _pattern_ ]] str1 != pattern
[[ -z _str_ ]] str is null
[[ -n _str_ ]] str is not null
[ x=y -o k=j ] or in expression
[ x=y -a k=j ] and in expression
test "true" if: ksh
object exist -a
readable -r
writable -w
executable -x
non-zero length -s
zero length
directory -d
plain file -f
symbolic link -h
named pipe -p
block special file -b
character special file -c
soft link -L
socket -S
owned by me -O
owned by my group not
"sticky" bit set -k
set-group-ID bit set -g
set-user-id bit set -u
opened on a terminal not
"if-then" if _expr_ then
elif _expr_
"case" case _word_ in
_pattern1_) _cmd(s)_
_pattern2_) _cmd(s)_
*) break ;;
"while" while _expr_ do
"for" for _variable_ in _list_
"until" until _expr_
program, function or shell $0
argument 1 through 9 $1 .. $9
nth argument ${n}
number of positional parameters $#
every positional parameter $@, $*
decimal value returned by last executed cmd $?
pid of shell $$
pid of last backgrounded command $!
0 stdin
1 stdout
2 stderr
<&- close stdin
>&- close stdout
<>filename open filename for read-write
2>&1 open 2 for write and dup as 1
cmd 2>/dev/null
cmd >/dev/null 2>&1
exec 1<&- # close descriptor 1
exec 2<&- # close descriptor 2
exec 1< /dev/null # open descriptor 1
exec 2< /dev/null # open descriptor 2
cmd1 || cmd2 exec cmd2 if cmd1 fail
cmd1 && cmd2 exec cmd2 if cmd1 is OK
V1=${V2:=V3} Set V1 with the value of V2 if this is set else set the
variable V1 with value of V3 (V3 could be a number).
sh replacement: if [ $V2 ] ; then
Example: DisplaySize=${LINES:24} ; Command=${Command:"cat"}
${V1:?word} if V1 set & V1!=null ret $V1 else print word and exit
: ${V1:?"variable V1 not set on null"}
${V1:=word} if V1 !set | V1==null set V1=$word
${V1:-word} if V1 set & V1!=null ret $V1 else ret word
${V1:+word} if V1 set & V1!=null ret word else ret nothing
${V1#patt} if patt are found at the begin of V1 return V1 whitout the patt
else return V1
V1="lspwd" ; ${V1#"ls"} # exec pwd
${V1%patt} if patt are found at the end of V1 return V1 whitout the patt
else return V1
V1="lspwd" ; ${V1%"pwd"} # exec ls
- Explode a command for use parameters counter
set `who -r` ; [ "$8" != "0" ] && exit
- declare a variable for only uppercase/lovercase chars
typeset -u VAR ; VAR="lower" ; echo $VAR -> LOWER
typeset -l VAR ; VAR="UPPER" ; echo $VAR -> upper
- exec
- eval - esegue il comando dato come argomento
- let - esegue le operazioni matematiche che passate come argomento
let "x = x * 5"
((x = x * 5)) .. altra forma di let
- ritorna la prima lettera dopo il segno - all'inizio di una stringa
RESULT=`expr "$VAR" : "-\(.\)"`
echo $RESULT .. -c
- toglie il '-' iniziale
VAR=`expr "$VAR" : "-*\(.*\)"`
echo $VAR .. ciao
- ritorna la lunghezza di una stringa
echo `expr length $SHELL` .. 4
- ritorna l'indice di dove incontra una substringa
echo `expr index abcdef de` .. 4
- ritorna 6 caratteri a partire dall'11
expr substr "Goodnight Ladies" 11 6 .. Ladies
- definisce un array
set -A Week Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
- ritorna un elemento dell'array
echo ${Week[3]} .. Tue
id=3 ; echo ${Week[id]} .. Tue
- stampa tutti gli elemti di un array
echo ${Week[@]} .. Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
- scandisce un array
for day in ${Week[@]}
echo $day
- ritorna il numero di elementi in un array
nelem=${#Week[@]} ; echo $nelem .. 7
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